Saturday, May 7, 2011

Two years

It's crazy to think that 2 years ago Shane and I started trying to add to our little family. We have had ups and downs and some curvy roads. We have grown a lot and learned a lot. May of 2009 we decided to fast and pray to see if we should go off birth control to add to our family. We felt good about it and went off birth control. We thought, like most couples, that it would happen fairly quick. Well it didn't obviously. One year later we decided to get some testing done to try and get some answers. We did 3 tests on Shane and I had blood work done. That's all the testing we did. We had always liked the idea of adoption and thought that maybe that was the road we needed to take. We received many answers in many different ways revealing to us that this was our path to take. So in November 2010 We went to LDS Family Services. We had to fill out a lot of paperwork online as well as having multiple interviews and a homestudy. We attended classes and learned a lot there. A few months later we had the feeling to go to Heart to Heart adoption agency out of Utah. We contacted them and got the process going. The only issue we ran into with them was the money aspect. We applied for grants and looked at other options but everything fell through. So I was getting a little discouraged and frustrated that all was going so well and then it all came crashing down. Shane and I had FHE one Monday evening and I read an article out of the April Ensign. The article was called Faith and Infertility. As I was reading it I got a feeling of hope and reassurance. That night I prayed to Heavenly Father that I didn't know what else He wanted me to do or where we needed to go. The next morning before school I checked my facebook account and had gotten a message from a friend telling me about a friend she has that is a case worker and that the state is always looking for adoptive parents. So I thought maybe that's where we need to go next, maybe that's an answer from Heavenly Father. Shane and I discussed it and decided to go through with it. We filled out paper work and attended our first PRIDE class on April 5th. We had 9 classes to take to get licensed to be foster/adoptive parents. We just graduated May 5th. It was amazing the information we received through those classes as well as our other adoptive classes. We still don't know when or where we will find our children, but we do know that we have learned a lot and have strengthened one another. We are doing everything in our power to make it happen and leaving the rest to Heavenly Father. We can't wait to become parents someday. :)


  1. Darcie, we love you guys, you will both make amazing parents someday! Keep the strong faith, our heavenly father has a plan for you and Shane :)

  2. I wish you the best of luck. I know what you are going through, it took Cody and I 3 years of trying before we could get pregnant. It was pretty rough and frustrating at times. We were just starting to get into the whole process of adopting when we finally got pregnant. No matter how or when it happens you will be awesome parents!

  3. Oh man Darcie, this is such a hard thing to deal with! We've been having trouble getting pregnant as well. I did some testing and was told that I most likely have PCOS. I've felt kind of lost because I have always felt that my main goal in life is to be a mother and that's all I want. You are not alone in this so if you want to talk about it, give me a call or shoot me a message on facebook. Love you.

  4. Welcome to the world of foster care! (We have adopted a little boy with another one in process.) Please come add your story to our foster care blog hop.
