Thursday, September 6, 2012


On August 13, 2012, Shane and I had to say goodbye to our sweet little foster baby. We had him in our home for 10 months and got to watch him go from rolling over to walking. We got him at 8 months old and he was almost 18 months old when he left.  He was such a good and fun little guy. Before he left he would blow kisses, say bye and done (all done). He loved to be outside and play and go for walks in the stroller. He loved to be chased around the house, he would laugh really hard and walk as fast as he could while looking back. It was one of our favorite games.  It was such a hard day for Shane and I. The night before he left we let him stay up a little later so we could play longer and read stories. He loved to read stories and flip through books. When he would get excited about new things he had learned he would smile big and clap his little hands, then look at Shane and I and wait for us to clap and say "yeah, good job buddie." That night he was really hot in his crib so he couldn't sleep very well. I went into his room a couple times and he would see me, reach his little arms up and I couldn't resist. I picked him up and rocked him back to sleep. At about 2:00 in the morning I brought him into our bed and cuddled him for a while. He thought it was pretty cool to be in our bed with us so he wouldn't fall asleep, he just kept talking away. We all went for a little walk before the case worker came to get him. It was so hard to put him in her car and say goodbye. We gave him a sippy cup and his favorite blankie for the ride home. He waved bye bye and blew us kisses. Shane and I cried for quite a while, then got out of the house to go to a movie to try and distract us. It has been a little over 3 weeks and we still have times when we cry and just want him back. He has such a cute and fun personality. We hope that someday we will get to see him again, but for now, we are just very grateful for the opportunity of having him and we would do it all over again.

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