Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Why not me?

So a couple weeks ago Shane and I were talking one evening and he showed me a movie trailer for 'just let go' that is coming to theaters soon. Its about a man who lost his wife, unborn child and 2 other children in a car accident caused by a 17 year old drunk driver. In the trailer toward the end it says "why me, why did this happen to me?" and then the husband going through this trial came to the conclusion of "why not me?" It stuck out to both me and my husband and we were talking about it later. So many times we question things that happen or go wrong in our lives. So many times we ask why me or how could you do this to me. When we are faced with difficulty in our lives through trials, deaths, financial difficulties and many other things, it is often hard to see the positive things in our lives and we tend to dwel on the negative. A lot of times after the storm has passed and things start to look up and we may get what we were hoping for we can often see why things were the way they were or are. For example, when I was struggling with infertility I would get angry and be so upset that Heavenly Father wasn't blessing me with a child that I so desperately wanted and longed for. After 4.5 year of trying to have a baby we were shocked and surprised to find out we were expecting. Even when our precious baby was born so early and we spent 3 weeks in the NICU it was hard and sometimes I asked why me. But after all that I have been able to look back and see why things happened the way they did and I have been able to appreciate my baby more and appreciate what Heavenly Father has given me. He has given me an amazing gift and He is trusting me with this wonderful soul. When we want something we want it now, we don't want to wait and be patient. I have learned to trust in my Heavenly Father's plan for me. He knows what is best for me, He knows my wants and wishes, but He also knows my needs and capabilities.

All that being said, it is still hard to go through difficult times and sometimes to have the faith we need to get through it. We have these difficult times to make us stronger, better people. We can either learn from the things we have to go through or we can give up and stay miserable.

Back the the 'why not me' part of the film, I have been pondering on it since I watched the trailer. I have thought about how that can humble us a little bit. Someone else out in the world can be fighting a greater battle, someone else can have a harder circumstance to bear. That phrase has made me look at things a little differently. How am I any better than the next person that has to deal with trials similar to mine? I am not perfect and I still have a lot of learning and growing to do in this lifetime. We knew we would face trials in this life when we agreed to gain a body and come to earth. We know that we need to get through these hard times in order to make it back home with our Heavenly Father. So instead of questioning  His plan for us, let us think 'why not me.' We can focus of the positive rather than the negative and go through our dificult times with faith and hopefully someday we will be able to understand why we had to go through them. Heavenly Father is always with us and knows what we are going through. He understands. He had to bear burdens so great we could never understand. He was perfect and he still had to pass through difficult times. He bled from every pore for OUR sins, not His own. He had to be tortured and nailed to a cross for US, for OUR salvation so that we could be forgiven and return home. He knew what He had to do and He did it. I would assume He never questioned 'why me' or 'how could you do this to me'...He knew why and He understood why it was so crucial for Him to go through all He had to endure.

Maybe next time when we have to go through something hard or difficult we can say why not me and try and become better, more faithful and knowledgeable. 

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