22 months old Axel loves cars, bikes, to push and pull things, sitting in the car or on the front stairs. He had developed a high pitch scream that's piercing to the ear when he's mad or wants attention. He is in a hitting phase, he likes to throw rocks, he rolls his eyes and looks away when he is in trouble, he turns his face away when he doesn't want to be talked to like you're not there, he is learning time out. He loves bubbles and jumping in puddles. He loves to talk on the phone to nana, papa and daddy. He calls kitties mowes and cows moos. He hates to have stuff on his hands and face, he says uck when he is dirty. He has changed from saying mama and dada to mommy and daddy (which I love).
23 months he says Akie (we call him Axie) and Akl (Axel), says hold you when he wants to be held and hand when he wants you to go somewhere. He is starting to get more independent and says Akie do, he loves watching pachoo (paw patrol) and mickey, he loves pockils (popsicles) and blowing out candles.
25-26 months he says peese and dank you (please and thank you), uh oh mommy, uh uh no, huh what, yep, oh no, owie, wahoo, ah miss, cycle bikes (motorcycles), daddy home, and he rubs your face or arm and says awe nice. Sque me (excuse me) after he burps, nummy when he likes something.
27 months he is getting better at 4 word sentences and is speaking more clear. He loves to play with blocks and color. He is stating to be scared of everything. He loves nursery and does great every Sunday. He covers his mouth and says oh gosh, he doesn't like to dry his hands after he washes them, he says watch to see him do something, says belly full, bless you after he sneezes, and mommy sleep good when he wakes up in the morning. He is now in his big boy bed and thinks it is pretty cool.